Tips For Easing The Pain Of Plantar Fasciitis

When it comes to foot problems, plantar fasciitis can be one of the most irritating and painful. People suffering with plantar fasciitis experience pain in one or both of their heels upon waking or after a period of rest. Learning more about how to ease the pain of plantar fasciitis is important if you deal with severe pain in your heels.

What Causes Plantar Fasciitis?

The ligament that connect your toes to the heel bones is called the plantar fascia. When the plantar fascia becomes injured, torn or strained, it causes the pain of plantar fasciitis.

Treatment Options

Several treatment options for plantar fasciitis are available, some depending on the severity in individual sufferers:

  • Strengthening the plantar fascia through exercise: Your physician may recommend a light exercise program that includes stretching and strengthening the plantar fascia. Strengthening the calf and foot muscles can help to provide greater support for the plantar fascia, thus also helping it to recover from strains and tears.

  • Orthotics for arch support: The arches in your feet provide cushioning for each step you take. When someone has low arches, they do not have enough cushioning to reduce the impact of walking. Some people experience pain relief from plantar fasciitis when they wear specially designed custom fit orthotics.

  • Splints: One treatment for severe plantar fasciitis is wearing a splint at night while you sleep. A night splint is designed to keep your ankle straight so the plantar remains in a flexed position.

  • Anti-inflammatory medications: Your physician may recommend anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen for controlling the pain caused by plantar fasciitis.

  • Rest: Getting off your feet for awhile is usually a recommendation from your physician. You may be advised to rest while taking medications or while wearing a splint. If you work at a job that requires you to stand all day, ask your doctor about a note for allowing you to take breaks for resting your feet.

Surgery For Plantar Fasciitis Sufferers

If you do not respond to any of the traditional treatments for plantar fasciitis, your physician may consider surgical treatment. Plantar fasciotomy is a surgical procedure that involves releasing the tension of the plantar fascia tendon. The procedure can be done using endoscopic, open or lesioning by radiofrequency techniques.

When you have pain in your feet, your daily activities can become challenging. Finding ways to ease your pain is important and should be done on the advice of your doctor. Taking the time to explore all your treatment options for plantar fasciitis is the best way to find relief from your pain.

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Saving Money On Medical Equipment

For years, I struggled to keep up with my bills while handling my long-term cancer diagnosis. I found myself trying to choose between necessities like clothing my medical supplies. However, after complaining about these expenses to my family doctor, he mentioned a few ways that I might be able to save a little money. He talked with me about grants and financial write-offs, and it was really great to get a little help with my expenses. This blog is all about saving money on medical equipment and supplies so that you can manage your condition safely and comfortably without breaking the bank.